Sunday, April 20, 2008

Photos for my students

Hello wonderful students! Here are some photos that I promised you...

This was my normal colour hair for most of my life!
I had a crazy idea to go blond a couple of years ago! Oh dear!

From left to right are my eldest daughter Rebecca, my second daughter Naomi, my Mum and my daughter-in-law Phi all dancing in Rebecca's kitchen - Christmas 2003.
And this is my lovely Nellie - my youngest son's wife also at Christmas 2003.

My daughter Naomi fooling around.
Me at Evans Head a few years ago.

Okay will do more photos for you when I have time.

I Can't Believe It's Been Three Months!

I'm back in Jeju for my third trip and can't believe it's been three months since I left Australia. I've been flat out like the veritable lizard...

... well that's Korea for you.

I have been one seeeek chicken I can tell you but hopefully am on the mend...